Bedtime Routines – Consistency Counts!


Bedtime Routines

We all know that a consistent bedtime routine helps children transition from being awake to falling asleep. But current research suggests that a consistent bedtime routine may do more than make bedtime easier – it may actually help children sleep better all night long. When it comes to bedtime routines – consistency counts!

A recent study published in the journal Sleep examines the relationship between bedtime routines and sleep outcomes, and the results make a compelling argument for structure and consistency at bedtime.

Researchers surveyed over 10,000 mothers worldwide with children age 0 to 6 years and asked a series of questions about their children’s day and night time sleep patterns, bedtime routines and behavior. The findings were significant. Children that had a regular bedtime routine had measurably better sleep outcomes. They went to sleep earlier, fell asleep faster, had less wake ups, and slept longer. Researchers also found that the more consistently the routines were implemented and the longer they were in place, the better the outcome.  Children with consistent bedtime routines slept an average of one hour longer than there counterparts without a consistent routine – and, not surprisingly, their moms reported less daytime behavior problems as well.

If the results of this study inspire you to take a closer look at your child’s current bedtime routine, click this link to read my full article on bedtime routines.



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